Short-Term Study Visa

What is a Short-Term Study Visa?

A Short-term Study visa enables applicants to study an English language course lasting longer than 6 months and up to 11 months in the UK.

What Are the Key Eligibility Requirements for a Short-term Study Visa?

In order to successfully apply for a Short-term Study visa, applicants must meet the following key requirements:

  • Must be at least 16 years of age;
  • Must have been accepted onto an English language course that lasts 11 months or less and includes no other subjects;
  • The course is with an accredited institution;
  • Must have enough money to support themselves without working or help from public funds, or evidence that relatives and friends can support and house them;
  • Must have funds to pay for their return or onward journey;
  • If under the age of 18, applicants must also have made arrangements for their travel and stay in the UK and have the consent of their parent or guardian to study in the UK; and
  • May need to provide a tuberculosis (TB) certificate depending on which country the applicant resides in.

How Long is a Short-term Study Visa Valid for?

The duration of the visa is granted in line with the length of the course plus an extra 30 days as long as the stay is no longer than 11 months.

Can a Short-term Study Visa be Extended?

No, this visa cannot be extended.

How Long Does it Take for a Decision to be Made?

The Child Student visa route does not lead to settlement.

How Long Does it Take For a Decision to be Made?

The Home Office usually process a Short-term Study visa application within 3 weeks.

How Much Does it Cost?

The Home Office fee is £200.

Applicants will also have to pay the immigration health surcharge, which is usually £470.

How We Can Help You

Our highly experienced team will provide expert advice and guidance to you throughout your immigration journey.

If you have any questions, please complete our online enquiry form or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can call us on 01724 701111 and one of our experts will be happy to assist you.