Turkish Businessperson Visa

This immigration route has closed to new applicants. However, existing applicants may be able to extend their Turkish Businessperson visa.

What is a Turkish Businessperson Visa?

The Turkish Businessperson visa category enables Turkish nationals to come to the UK to start a new business or help run an established business.

What Are the Key Eligibility Requirements to extend a Turkish Businessperson Visa?

Some of the key requirements to extend a Turkish Businessperson visa (this list is not exhaustive), include the following:

  • Must have a valid Turkish Businessperson visa;
  • Must show they have not broken any immigration laws;
  • Must be running a viable business;
  • Must be paying their share of the costs of running the business;
  • Must show their share of the profits continue to be enough to support them and their family without needing another job; and
  • Applicants who are a part of an existing partnership or company will need to show that they still have an active part in running the business.

How Long is a Turkish Businessperson Visa Extended for?

Before the expiry of a Turkish Businessperson visa, applicants must apply to extend their visa. If approved, applicants will be granted an extension up to 3 years.

Applicants can apply to extend their stay as many times as they like so long as they meet the eligibility criteria.

Does a Turkish Businessperson Visa Lead to Settlement?

Once an applicant has held a Turkish Businessperson visa for 5 years in the UK they may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain.

Indefinite Leave to Remain gives settled status in the UK, also known as ‘settlement’. It gives the right to live, work and study in the UK for as long as an applicant wishes to do so and apply for benefits if eligible.

Will an Applicant be Eligible for British Citizenship?

Once an applicant has held indefinite leave to remain in the UK for 12 months, they may be eligible for British Citizenship.

Can Dependants Join or Accompany Turkish Businesspersons?

The partner and children of an applicant can accompany or join them so long as they meet the eligibility criteria. If this is met, they will be issued a visa which will have the same end date as the Turkish Businessperson visa holder.

How Long Does it Take For a Decision to be Made?

The Home Office will usually process a Turkish Businessperson extension application within 6 months.

If eligible, applicants will be advised whether they can apply to get a decision faster. The Home Office charge additional fees for these priority services.

How Much Does it Cost?

There is no fee for this application.

How We Can Help You

Our highly experienced team will provide expert advice and guidance to you throughout your immigration journey.

If you have any questions, please complete our online enquiry form or email us at [email protected]. Alternatively, you can call us on 01724 701111 and one of our experts will be happy to assist you.